At Indianlife we believe you should be able to choose what you eat, and know what you’re eating! We support GMO labeling and are proud to be North America’s leading Indian Food company offering an ever-growing selection of Non-GMO Project Verified foods. No surprises, just peace of mind and great taste that’s good for you, and good for the earth.
Sixty-four countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, require genetically modified foods to be labeled. Polls continue to show that a significant majority of North Americans would like to know if the food they’re purchasing contains GMOs. Globally, there are also 300 regions with outright bans on growing GMOs.
Indianlife is proud to be working with The Non-GMO Project, and we offer a substantial list of Non-GMO Project verified products, from flatbreads and wraps to frozen entrees and our famous samosas. Visit our Non-GMO Project Verified Products.
Non-GMO Project is North America’s only independent third party verification for Non-GMO products. GMOs are not required to be labelled in the U.S. and Canada, and in the absence of mandatory labeling, the Non-GMO Project was created to give consumers the informed choice they deserve.
GMOs, or “genetically modified organisms,” are plants or animals created via biotechnology that merges DNA from different species that would not occur in nature or through traditional crossbreeding methods. Most GMOs are engineered to withstand the direct application of herbicide and/or to produce an insecticide. However, new technologies can now artificially develop other traits in plants. New organisms, using synthetic biology can also be created. The longterm impacts of these GMOs are unknown. Once released into the environment, these novel organisms cannot be recalled.
Keep watching for new Indianlife Organics and Non-GMO Project Verified foods!